
Mistaken Assumption

Yesterday I was in my office when the church secretary called and said: "I think you want to take this call. It's a Mr. Makiyama*.  So I thanked her, pushed the button and said, 「牧山さん、初めまして。リアム神父ともうします。」["Hello, Mr. Makiyama.  Happy to meet you.  I'm Father Liam."].  To which he responded, "Am I talking with a priest?  Is that Japanese?  My stepfather's name was Makiyama.  That's why I have the name.  My mother married a Japanese guy.  You a priest?"

I apologized for assuming he spoke Japanese and went on with the conversation.  I assumed it was one of the members of the Boston-area Japanese Catholic Community for which I celebrate Mass in Japanese every couple of months.

*not the person's actual name, of course. 

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