
今日の俳句 Today's haiku 2016.08.10


Jeoffry on a box

chasing her tail in circles 

confused in the night.  



Jack Garrott said...

I am impressed! Making the syllables come out right in both languages, while maintaining a reasonable level of poetry, is certainly not easy. In translating songs, when I go from Japanese to English I always have notes left over that I need to fill appropriately, and in the other direction I have to decide what to cut, because all the content generally won't fit. Congratulations!

Liam O'Doherty said...

Thank you, Jack! I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes a literary shoehorn is needed.

BTW. You and Cathy have been on my mind a lot lately. I've been meaning to call.
Maybe sometime in the next few days during hours we're both awake.